Saturday 1 August 2015


It always seems impossible until its done

I was reminded of this wonderful quote when I visited Crofton School in Fareham, Hampshire a couple of weeks ago. One of the students (Vaughn Morris) showed me two great pieces of art that he had made; one of these had this amazing quote and a picture of Nelson Mandela in prison.  
It Always seems impossible
Crofton School - Chris Lubbe (13)
I’m sure that during his 27 years of imprisonment, Nelson Mandela must have went through periods when he doubted whether he would ever see the day when all South Africans are  free, living together in peace and harmony.
I once heard a journalist ask Nelson Mandela, what kept him motivated during those difficult days in prison. He looked up and said that it was the support of his fellow comrades and the belief that the dream of a free South Africa would become a reality. Nelson Mandela achieved this dream when South Africa had their first democratic elections on the 27th April 1994. What seemed impossible became a reality for every South African.
Alesson  that we can learn from this is that when we support each other, dream big dreams, stay focused, act with discipline and believe that the possibilities are endless, we can achieve whatever may seem impossible. It’s so easy to set up conditions for failure so that it’s easy for us to handle when it happens. Some tasks only seem impossible because we build them up that way. Others seem impossible because they’re particularly difficult. Either way, the point of any challenge is to conquer and grow. We can’t do that if we concentrate on how difficult it seems.

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